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Top 5 Tips for Better Twitter Engagement

Recently I wrote a post outlining the three social media mistakes to avoid. If you read that post and thought. “Is Bill writing about me? More specifically is Bill writing about the sad state of my Twitter feed?” Then let’s talk about better Twitter engagement.

Better Twitter Engagement

Twitter is an important part of any overall social media and online marketing strategy. If you recognized yourself in that post, then clearly two things are happening.

A. You’re doing it wrong

B. You need help

And while I can’t tell you exactly what and when you need to tweet for better Twitter engagement, (unless you’d like to hire me, in which case I’d be glad to) I can tell you that if you start following these five simple tips, you will be well ahead of the game.

1. Drop the sales pitch for better Twitter Engagement

It slices, it dices, it makes perfect julienne fries… All while driving away Twitter followers in droves. The fact is, nothing turns potential followers off quicker than a sales pitch.

Tweet as you speak, in the first person, with a friendly, approachable style which reflects your personality or the persona of your brand. Drop the scripted boilerplate copy; it’s tired, and it doesn’t work.

Be yourself… Offer your followers an authentic voice, rather than a commercial and they will love you for it!

2. Be social for better Twitter Engagement

If your Twitter strategy is of the “set it and forget it” variety, you may as well do just that… Forget it! You’re doing more harm than good.

Twitter is a social media platform, so stop being anti-social.

Check Twitter regularly for mentions and DM’s and respond quickly. Actively search for terms and hashtags that are relevant to you and your brand.

Determine who is talking about you? Your brand? Your products? Your competitors’ products? These are your future followers. Follow them, interact with them, engage them… They won’t bite!

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3. Use hashtags for better Twitter Engagement

Hashtags are the fuel that drives Twitter. Tweets with hashtags receive twice the engagement of those without hashtags.

So if you want to start a conversation, introduce a hashtag. If you want to join a conversation already happening on Twitter, find the hashtag that’s being used.

Most importantly, tweeting with the right hashtag is a great way to send your message not just to your followers, but to everyone who is following that hashtag, everyone who is tuned into that conversation.

With that said, including unrelated, or more than two hashtags in a tweet is considered poor Twitter etiquette, so choose and use hashtags wisely.

4. You can use 140 characters… But you shouldn’t

Yes, we all know that Twitter allows 140 characters per tweet. But if every one of your tweets is at or near that limit (a twoosh) you’ll never get retweeted, and even if you do it will be a modified (not always for the better) version of the original.

So do yourself a favor and think shorter.

Ideally, your copy, including links should be 120 characters or less.

5. Ask for better Twitter Engagement

It’s so simple, and yet so few of us do it.

Tweets that specifically ask followers to “RT” get retweeted more often than those that do not. Moreover, tweets that specifically ask and spell out “retweet” are retweeted even more so.

Start asking your followers for a retweet it’s an easy and efficient way to increase engagement.

What do you think? What Twitter strategies work best for you? Leave a comment below and discuss via Twitter and Facebook. If you found this post informative or helpful, I would appreciate it if you would share it using the icons below.